Projectwijzer 3 - Toegangsbeveiligingssysteem
Bijlage 7 E-mail uit Londen
Product Manager Proces
Jonathon Smeeten
To: Cc:
Product Manager Proces
Paul Linden
Thursday, 31 September, 2011 19:06
Attach: Subject:
Entrance Control Unit Project
Dear Sir/Madam,
It has come to our attention, during a congress concerning public safety, that your company is involved in designing and producing safety related products for a sports stadium.
Because safety is a key issue in our city we would be very interested in receiving further information about one of these products, with emphasis on the technical details. The product that we are investigating is a control system for access to the stadium. We are concerned that the present system does not comply with our new safety standards and we wish to introduce a state of the art access control system. As there is a meeting in three weeks to consider the options available to our department, I would be grateful if you can send me as much information as possible, by e-mail, within this timeframe.
Thank you in advance for your co-operation.
Yours sincerely, Jonathon Smeeten Civil Servant Department for Culture Media and Sports
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