2014-2 SMD EN
Exam 3 Providing support with financial problems and budget management (2014-smd-e3)
Training Social worker
Assessment form of work process work process 1.1 Describes the client’s situation and requirements
Examinee’s name:
Good (2)
Satisfactory (1)
Unsatisfactory (0)
Evaluation criteria
Behaviour assessment
The examinee: looks for causes in the case of bottlenecks and (hidden) problems shows interest in and concern for the client’s problems and questions and listens attentively and keeps asking questions in order to chart the client’s situation and requirements. shows herself to be honest and reliable in discussions with the client; communicates openly and clearly, deals with sensitive issues discreetly and keeps promises and agreements made as a result of which she receives and keeps the client’s trust. actively and systematically makes an overview of the client’s situation and requirements in the material and (related) psycho-social areas makes and overview of the client’s situation and requirements in consultation with the client and in an environment that is safe for the client considers the client’s wishes and requirements in relation to the options, for which she provides the client with clear feedback concerning her findings and checks whether the client agrees with this is attentive to new information, receives signals and interprets them correctly Foundation of the assessment of the work process with examples relating to the evaluation criteria.
Stichting Consortium Beroepsonderwijs Z&W series 2014 Social worker training 2014-smd-e3
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