2014-2 SMD EN
Examiner’s name: (written in full in block letters ) …………………………………………
Function: Institution: □ Practical Vocational Training □ Training
Supporting document: two different legal documents drawn up by the examinee
The examinee: ensures accurate and complete legal documents according to the guidelines of the organisation structures the multitude of information is capable of retrieving the essential information from a large amount of data uses the correct spelling and grammar uses the correct words and expressions Foundation of the assessment of the work process with examples relating to the evaluation criteria.
Examiner’s name: (written in full in block letters ) …………………………………………
Function: Institution: □ Practical Vocational Training □ Training
Examiner’s name: (written in full in block letters ) …………………………………………
Function: Institution: □ Practical Vocational Training □ Training
Total amount of points WP 2.2 add up only if there are no unsatisfactory marks
Cutting score All of the evaluation criteria have been evaluated as satisfactory or better.
≥ 15 points
Satisfactory: All criteria have been evaluated as satisfactory or better Unsatisfactory: One or more criteria have been evaluated as unsatisfactory Assessment form of work process 2.2 Deals with simple legal questions from the client
Stichting Consortium Beroepsonderwijs Z&W series 2014-2 Social worker training 2014-smd-e2
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