Exam 2
Supervising a patient / group of patients
(2014-vp-4-e2 ) Training
Nurse, level 4
Assessment form of work process 1.5 Supervises a group of clients
Examinee’s name:
Good (2)
Satisfactory (1)
Unsatisfactory (0)
Evaluation criteria
Supporting document: An elucidated plan of action to normalise the group climate
The examinee:
describes the situation that affects/disrupts the group climate, or which causes the climate to be under pressure describes the group dynamics describes the interventions she carries out to create the most optimal living environment and residential environment possible for the clients within the group describes how she takes into account the physical aspects of the clients describes how she takes into account the mental well-being of the clients describes how she provides the clients involved in this situation with an insight into the behaviour and its effects on the group members describes the way in which she involves the caregiver(s), next of kin and/or volunteer(s) in creating an optimum social climate The examinee: encourages the group of clients to develop maximally, taking into account their capabilities, in the social area by discussing the behaviour of and with the clients and others involved creates an environment in which clients are encouraged to explore the boundaries of their capabilities by asking the opinions of individual group members and providing positive feedback has an understanding for each individual’s attitude and opinions encourages those involved to collaborate in the decided interventions that normalise the group climate shows concern for the physical and mental well-being of the group members Foundation of the assessment of the work process with examples relating to the evaluation criteria. Behaviour assessment
Stichting Consortium Beroepsonderwijs Z&W series 2014
Training: nurse 2014-vp-4-e2
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