Exam 3 Nursing in complex situations (2014-vp-4-e3)
Training Nurse, level 4
Assessment form of work process 1.1 Formulates the nursing diagnosis and the nursing care plan
Examinee’s name:
Good (2)
Satisfactory (1)
Unsatisfactory (0)
Evaluation criteria
Supporting document: The nursing care plan you have formulated and discussed and the report of the discussion The examinee: formulates the objectives in the nursing care plan correctly, in an understandable manner and according to the institution guidelines formulates the activities and interventions in the nursing care plan correctly, in an understandable manner and according to the institution guidelines formulates the evaluation questions in the nursing care plan correctly, in an understandable manner and according to the institution guidelines clarifies in the report that she has discussed the plan in a correct manner with those involved and asked for assent. has applied the institution guidelines when formulating the nursing care plan Supporting document: The accountability report, supported by a case signed by the work supervisor. The examinee: has correctly described the course of life, the state of health, the options, the disorder, the handicap and/or the disability and, if applicable, the clinical picture, the patient’s social network and the nursing diagnosis in the case signed by the work supervisor
Consortium vocational training Z&W series 2014 Training: Nurse 2014-vp-4-e3
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