Work process 2.1 Works on the advancement of expertise and professionalisation of the function
Assignment 1 Promoting your expertise Promote your expertise and transfer the expertise obtained.
Take cognizance of the developments in your field of expertise. Select a theme about which you will gain more in-depth knowledge and which will increase your and your colleagues’ expertise.
Assignment 2 Sharing expertise Organise a meeting with colleagues. In this meeting, you: - transfer your knowledge about a theme - substantiate your vision concerning the theme
- generate discussion - are open to feedback.
You have promoted expertise and transferred the expertise obtained. Record this process in a report. Introduce this report in your exam discussion.
Assignment 3 Exam discussion During the exam discussion, you give account for: - the manner in which you have promoted your expertise about the theme and shared it with colleagues - the contribution you have provided to the professionalisation of the function and the professional group Result You have actively and adequately promoted your expertise. You have actively and adequately contributed to the professionalisation of the function and the positioning of the professional group.
Supporting documents Provide the following supporting documents: -
A fully completed assessment form substantiated by the examiner - An advancement of expertise and sharing expertise process report.
Stichting Consortium Beroepsonderwijs Z&W series 2014 Training: Nurse 2014-vp-4-e4
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