Exam 1 Providing basic care (2014-vz-ig3-e1) Nurse in individual healthcare training, level 3
Assessment form of work process 1.5 Supervises a client
Examinee’s name:
Good (2)
Satisfactory (1)
Unsatisfactory (0)
Evaluation criteria
Evidence: A clarified supervision plan for the self-help skills in the psychosocial and social area The examinee: describes the objective of the supervision of self-help skills in the psychosocial and social area describes the way in which she takes into account the physical and mental well-being of the client describes the objective of the supervision describes how she maintains and/or develops the functional autonomy of the client with this supervision indicates the way in which she takes into account the coping ability of the caregivers and next of kin describes the advice she has provided the caregivers and next of kin with to reinforce the coping ability
Behaviour assessment
The examinee:
ensures a relationship with the client as a foundation for the supervision encourages the client to carry out actions and activities independently as much as possible encourages a positive attitude and confidence in the client’s personal capabilities shows engagement in the physical and mental well-being of the client treats the client with respect and patience discusses the expectations and wishes of the client and next of kin
Stichting Consortium Beroepsonderwijs Z&W series 2014 Nurse in individual healthcare training 2014-vz-ig3-e1
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