Exam 2 Supervising living and activities (2014-vz-ig3-e2)
Nurse in individual healthcare training, level 3
Assessment form of work process 1.7 Provides support in living and running a home
Examinee’s name:
Good (2)
Satisfactory (1)
Unsatisfactory (0)
Evaluation criteria
Evidence: An elucidated plan of action for the support in running a home
The examinee:
describes the support the client receives in the domestic task describes the way in which she takes into account the client’s requirements, wishes and habits describes the cleaning products and materials she uses to support the domestic task selected describes the applicable protocols regarding hygiene, safety, working conditions, environment, quality assurance, ergonomic and cost-conscious working describes the agreement made concerning this within the organisation describes how she evaluates the support of the domestic task with the client
Behaviour assessment The examinee:
supports the client in running a home in accordance with the agreements with the manager and organisation selects the proper cleaning products and materials and uses them sparingly and cost- consciously uses the resources and materials according to their function
Consortium vocational training Z&W series 2014 Training: Carer level 3 coding: (2014-vz-ig3-e2)
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