2014-2 SMD EN

Stichting Consortium Beroepsonderwijs Zorg & Welzijn (qualification files 2011, 2012, 2013 or 2014)

Social worker training

CREBO (Central Register of Vocational Courses) number: 92670

Cohort ......... (complete as appropriate)

Exam 2 Dealing with legal questions (2014-smd-e2)

 Work process 2.2 Deals with simple legal questions from the client As part of Key task 2


Student number:


Evaluation No Key task

No Work process




Deals with simple legal questions from the client


Supporting the client(s)


Re-examination: yes no

Exam completed: yes no

(tick where appropriate: G = Good, S = Satisfactory, U = Unsatisfactory)

The evaluation has been established by






Stichting Consortium Beroepsonderwijs Z&W series 2014-2 Social worker training 2014-smd-e2

* ‘She’ also refers to ‘he’ and vice versa. * ‘Client’ also refers to visitor, patient or customer.

© 2014

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a computer database or made public in any form or in any manner, whether electronically, mechanically, by photocopy, recording or any other way, without prior consent by Stichting Consortium Beroepsonderwijs.

Account Stichting Consortium Beroepsonderwijs has received permission from all of its known copyright holders to use the texts and pictures included in this publication.


[Article number on the front page of the inner section]

Stichting Consortium Beroepsonderwijs Z&W series 2014-2 Social worker training 2014-smd-e2

Exam 2 Dealing with legal questions

This exam concerns the following work process from key task 2 Supporting the client(s).

Work process number

Work process title



Deals with simple legal questions from the client

C Supervising J Formulating and reporting K Applying occupational expertise M Analysing

Description of this exam The social worker deals with questions of a simple legal nature from clients concerning the use of and access to social laws and regulations. She informs the client and provides him with advice concerning his legal rights and obligations, and translates legal procedures and regulations into language the client can understand. She formulates legal documents such as notices of objection and notices of appeal and refers to legal experts as required.

Commented [GR1]: Ik denk dat hier ‘beroepschrift’ wordt bedoeld? (Zo is het ook vertaald.)

The degree of difficulty Context





carrying out the care and supervision cycle

Work process 2.2 Deals with simple legal questions from the client

Assignment 1 Deal with simple legal questions from the client about the use of and access to social laws and regulations. Establish the request for help in conjunction with the client, discuss the approach and carry out the requested support. You may be required to deal with questions from several clients in order to comply with the criteria in the assessment form.

Assignment 2 Formulate two different legal documents for clients.

Result The social worker has dealt with simple legal questions from the client, informed him proactively and provided advice about the use of and access to social laws and regulations, has drawn up adequate legal documents and referred the client to legal experts as required.

Supporting documents Submit the following supporting documents: 

A fully completed assessment form substantiated by the examiner  Two different legal documents drawn up by the examinee

Stichting Consortium Beroepsonderwijs Z&W series 2014-2 Social worker training 2014-smd-e2

Exam 2 Dealing with legal questions (2014-smd-e2)

Training Social worker

Assessment form of work process 2.2 Deals with simple legal questions from the client

Examinee’s name:



Good (2)

Satisfactory (1)

Unsatisfactory (0)

Evaluation criteria

Behaviour assessment

The examinee:  provides the client with advice about simple laws and regulations  applies procedures and regulations to the client’s specific situation  allows the client to make a well-considered choice by clearly indicating the advantages and disadvantages of the approach to be followed     provides advice that is clear to the client, avoiding the use of jargon    Foundation of the assessment of the work process with examples relating to the evaluation criteria.

Examiner’s name: (written in full in block letters ) …………………………………………

Function: Institution: □ Practical Vocational Training □ Training


Stichting Consortium Beroepsonderwijs Z&W series 2014-2 Social worker training 2014-smd-e2

Examiner’s name: (written in full in block letters ) …………………………………………

Function: Institution: □ Practical Vocational Training □ Training


Supporting document: two different legal documents drawn up by the examinee

The examinee:  ensures accurate and complete legal documents according to the guidelines of the organisation  structures the multitude of information  is capable of retrieving the essential information from a large amount of data  uses the correct spelling and grammar  uses the correct words and expressions Foundation of the assessment of the work process with examples relating to the evaluation criteria.

Examiner’s name: (written in full in block letters ) …………………………………………

Function: Institution: □ Practical Vocational Training □ Training


Examiner’s name: (written in full in block letters ) …………………………………………

Function: Institution: □ Practical Vocational Training □ Training


Total amount of points WP 2.2 add up only if there are no unsatisfactory marks


Cutting score All of the evaluation criteria have been evaluated as satisfactory or better.



≥ 15 points

Satisfactory: All criteria have been evaluated as satisfactory or better Unsatisfactory: One or more criteria have been evaluated as unsatisfactory Assessment form of work process 2.2 Deals with simple legal questions from the client

Stichting Consortium Beroepsonderwijs Z&W series 2014-2 Social worker training 2014-smd-e2

(tick where appropriate)

 This work process has been evaluated as good  This work process has been evaluated as satisfactory  This work process has been evaluated as unsatisfactory

Examinee’s name:


(written in full in block letters)

Signature (seen):


Stichting Consortium Beroepsonderwijs Z&W series 2014-2 Social worker training 2014-smd-e2

Stichting Consortium Beroepsonderwijs Zorg & Welzijn (qualification files 2011, 2012, 2013 or 2014)

Social worker training

CREBO (Central Register of Vocational Courses) number: 92670

Cohort ......... (complete as appropriate)

Exam 3 Providing support with financial problems and budget management ( 2014-smd-e3)

Examinee Student number:


Evaluation No Key task

No Work process




Makes an overview of the client’s situation and wishes


Drafting a service plan


Re-examination: yes no

1.2 Creates a service plan

Re-examination: yes no

Supports the client with financial problems and budget management


Supporting the client(s)


Re-examination: yes no

Exam completed: yes no

(tick where appropriate: G = Good, S = Satisfactory, U = Unsatisfactory)

The evaluation has been established by





Stichting Consortium Beroepsonderwijs Z&W series 2014 Social worker training 2014-smd-e3


Stichting Consortium Beroepsonderwijs Z&W series 2014 Social worker training 2014-smd-e3

* ‘She’ also refers to ‘he’ and vice versa. * ‘Client’ also refers to visitor, patient or customer.

© 2014

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a computer database or made public in any form or in any manner, whether electronically, mechanically, by photocopy, recording or any other way, without prior consent by Stichting Consortium Beroepsonderwijs.

Account Stichting Consortium Beroepsonderwijs has received permission from all of its known copyright holders to use the texts and pictures included in this publication.


Stichting Consortium Beroepsonderwijs Z&W series 2014 Social worker training 2014-smd-e3

[Article number on the front page of the inner section]

Stichting Consortium Beroepsonderwijs Z&W series 2014 Social worker training 2014-smd-e3

Exam 3 Providing support with financial problems and budget management

This exam concerns the following work processes from the key tasks 1 Drafting a service plan 2 Supporting the client(s).

Number work process

Work process title



Makes an overview of the client’s situation and wishes

C Supervising D Showing attention and understanding K Applying occupational expertise


Creates a service plan

J Formulating and reporting M Analysing Q Planning and organising


Supports the client with financial problems and budget management

C Supervising D Showing attention and understanding K Applying occupational expertise

Description of this exam The social worker makes an overview of the situation and requirements of the client in the material and (related) psycho-social areas. She collects information about the client through discussions with the client and other social workers. She observes clients and their environment and charts the client’s network. She supports the client (and his environment) in order to clarify and express his requirements. She assesses the client’s options and limitations and discusses her findings with the client. The social worker analyses the systematically collected information about the client and based on this, formulates objectives and actions in conjunction with the client. She then formulates a feasible and realistic service plan. She makes agreements with the client about the approach and records this in a file. She adapts the service plan as required and formulates new objectives. She clearly states in the plan when she refers to other social workers or institutions if the bottlenecks and problems are not in her field of activity or are beyond her authority. The social worker supports clients with financial problems and budget management, sometimes by order of another social worker or institution. She informs the client and provides him with advice concerning his pattern of spending and provides resources for support. She establishes the request for help and the actions to realise solutions in conjunction with the client. She discusses what the client can do himself and the support she can provide. She refers the client to another professional as required. She is attentive to signals of poverty and social issues and makes the signals a subject of discussion with the client.

The degree of difficulty Context





carrying out the care and supervision cycle

Stichting Consortium Beroepsonderwijs Z&W series 2014 Social worker training 2014-smd-e3

Work process 1.1 Describes the client’s situation and requirements

Assignment Systematically chart the situation and requirements of the client in the material and (related) psycho-social areas in conjunction with the client. Collect information through discussions with the client and social workers involved. Observe the client and his environment and chart the client’s network. Discuss the information with the client and record it. Result In consultation with the client, the social worker has systematically charted the client’s situation and requirements in the material and (related) psychosocial areas and obtained a complete and correct idea of the bottlenecks, (hidden) problems, options and limitations of the client in a client-safe environment.

Supporting documents Submit the following supporting documents: 

A fully completed assessment form substantiated by the examiner  Overview of the client’s situation and wishes

Stichting Consortium Beroepsonderwijs Z&W series 2014 Social worker training 2014-smd-e3

Exam 3 Providing support with financial problems and budget management (2014-smd-e3)

Training Social worker

Assessment form of work process work process 1.1 Describes the client’s situation and requirements

Examinee’s name:



Good (2)

Satisfactory (1)

Unsatisfactory (0)

Evaluation criteria

Behaviour assessment

The examinee:  looks for causes in the case of bottlenecks and (hidden) problems  shows interest in and concern for the client’s problems and questions and listens attentively and keeps asking questions in order to chart the client’s situation and requirements.  shows herself to be honest and reliable in discussions with the client; communicates openly and clearly, deals with sensitive issues discreetly and keeps promises and agreements made as a result of which she receives and keeps the client’s trust.  actively and systematically makes an overview of the client’s situation and requirements in the material and (related) psycho-social areas  makes and overview of the client’s situation and requirements in consultation with the client and in an environment that is safe for the client  considers the client’s wishes and requirements in relation to the options, for which she provides the client with clear feedback concerning her findings and checks whether the client agrees with this  is attentive to new information, receives signals and interprets them correctly Foundation of the assessment of the work process with examples relating to the evaluation criteria.

Stichting Consortium Beroepsonderwijs Z&W series 2014 Social worker training 2014-smd-e3

Examiner’s name: (written in full in block letters ) …………………………………………

Function: Institution: □ Practical Vocational Training □ Training


Examiner’s name: (written in full in block letters ) …………………………………………

Function: Institution: □ Practical Vocational Training □ Training


Supporting document: overview of the client’s situation and wishes The examinee:  uses various sources to obtain the correct and sufficient information  systematically charts the client’s situation and wishes in the material and (related) psycho- social areas  has a complete and clear idea of the client’s bottlenecks, (hidden) problems, options and limitations Foundation of the assessment of the work process with examples relating to the evaluation criteria.

Examiner’s name: (written in full in block letters ) …………………………………………

Function: Institution: □ Practical Vocational Training □ Training


Examiner’s name: (written in full in block letters ) …………………………………………

Function: Institution: □ Practical Vocational Training □ Training

Stichting Consortium Beroepsonderwijs Z&W series 2014 Social worker training 2014-smd-e3


Total amount of points WP 1.1 add up only if there are no unsatisfactory marks


Cutting score All of the evaluation criteria have been evaluated as satisfactory or better. Standardisation


≥ 16 points

Satisfactory: All criteria have been evaluated as satisfactory or better Unsatisfactory: One or more criteria have been evaluated as unsatisfactory Assessment of work process 1.1 Describes the client’s situation and requirements (tick where appropriate)

 This work process has been evaluated as good  This work process has been evaluated as satisfactory  This work process has been evaluated as unsatisfactory

Examinee’s name:


(written in full in block letters)

Signature (seen):


Stichting Consortium Beroepsonderwijs Z&W series 2014 Social worker training 2014-smd-e3

Work process 1.2 Creates a service plan

Assignment Analyse the systematically obtained information about the client and based on this, formulate objectives and actions in conjunction with the client. Formulate a feasible service plan. Make agreements with the client about the approach and record these in a file or any other manner that is customary in the organisation. Adapt the service plan and formulate new objectives as required. Result In consultation with the client, the social worker has formulated objectives and actions and drawn up a realistic and feasible service plan. She has made agreements with the client concerning the approach and has adapted the service plan as required.

Supporting documents Submit the following supporting documents: 

A fully completed assessment form substantiated by the examiner  The service plan

Stichting Consortium Beroepsonderwijs Z&W series 2014 Social worker training 2014-smd-e3

Exam 3

Providing support with financial problems and budget management (2014-smd-e3)

Training Social worker

Assessment form of work process 1.2 Creates a service plan

Examinee’s name:



Good (2)

Satisfactory (1)

Unsatisfactory (0)

Evaluation criteria

Supporting document: the service plan

The examinee:  ensures a complete and accurate plan and file in which she accurately processes and records all required information  ensures a structure of the service plan which can easily be understood by others by formulating in a logical and structured manner  analyses the available information thoroughly, creating links between information and combining possible causes and effects and various types of information from various sources into relevant information for the benefit of the service plan  through an adequate analysis of the information realises feasible solutions that meet the requirements of the situation  creates a time schedule and an overview of required actions and resources, thus ensuring a completely elaborated and feasible plan of action Foundation of the assessment of the work process with examples relating to the evaluation criteria.

Stichting Consortium Beroepsonderwijs Z&W series 2014 Social worker training 2014-smd-e3

Examiner’s name: (written in full in block letters ) …………………………………………

Function: Institution: □ Practical Vocational Training □ Training


Examiner’s name: (written in full in block letters ) …………………………………………

Function: Institution: □ Practical Vocational Training □ Training


Total amount of points WP 1.2 add up only if there are no unsatisfactory marks


Cutting score All of the evaluation criteria have been evaluated as satisfactory or better. Standardisation


≥ 9 points

Satisfactory: All criteria have been evaluated as satisfactory or better Unsatisfactory: One or more criteria have been evaluated as unsatisfactory Assessment form of work process 1.2 Creates a service plan (tick where appropriate)

 This work process has been evaluated as good  This work process has been evaluated as satisfactory  This work process has been evaluated as unsatisfactory

Examinee’s name:


(written in full in block letters)

Signature (seen):


Stichting Consortium Beroepsonderwijs Z&W series 2014 Social worker training 2014-smd-e3

Work process 2.3 Supports the client with financial problems and budget management

Assignment Support a client with a financial problem and/or management of his budget. Make an overview of the client’s wishes and requirements and chart his financial situation. Analyse the information and provide the client with insight into his financial situation. Chart the options to solve the problem in conjunction with the client. Provide the client with advice about his pattern of spending and possible alternatives within the framework of budget management. Provide the client with the resources to manage the budget as independently as possible. Transfer your expertise to the client and provide support as required. During the accountability report, give account for:  How you have made the income and expenditures insightful for the client and applied structure in this  The knowledge and expertise about budget management you have transferred to the client and the manner in which you have done this Result By order of a social worker or an institution with greater authority, the social worker has supported the client with financial issues and budget management in an insightful and thorough manner. She has provided the client with advice about the pattern of spending, provided supportive resources and encouraged the client to change his behaviour.

Supporting documents Submit the following supporting documents: 

A fully completed assessment form substantiated by the examiner  An accountability report

Stichting Consortium Beroepsonderwijs Z&W series 2014 Social worker training 2014-smd-e3

Exam 3 Providing support with financial problems and budget management (2014-smd-e3)

Training Social worker

Assessment form of work process 2.3 Supports the client with financial problems and budget management

Examinee’s name:



Good (2)

Satisfactory (1)

Unsatisfactory (0)

Evaluation criteria

Behaviour assessment

The examinee:  provides the client with clear, honest and constructive feedback concerning his financial management  encourages the client to take a critical look at himself and become conscious about his spending behaviour  provides the client with advice about the pattern of spending and possible alternatives within the framework of budget management  encourages the client to try and achieve objectives and change his behaviour  when supporting the client with financial problems and budget management, keep in mind the client’s well-being and monitor it, show concern, recognise risk factors and signals of poverty and encourage the client to talk about his complaints  shows legal and arithmetic insight and calculates promptly and accurately for the benefit of the client’s budget management Foundation of the assessment of the work process with examples relating to the evaluation criteria.

Stichting Consortium Beroepsonderwijs Z&W series 2014 Social worker training 2014-smd-e3

Examiner’s name: (written in full in block letters ) …………………………………………

Function: Institution: □ Practical Vocational Training □ Training


Examiner’s name: (written in full in block letters ) …………………………………………

Function: Institution: □ Practical Vocational Training □ Training


Supporting document: Accountability report

The examinee:

 accounts for the way in which she transfers her knowledge and expertise about budget management to the client in an understandable manner  accounts for the way in which she makes income and expenditures insightful for the client and applies structure in this Foundation of the assessment of the work process with examples relating to the evaluation criteria.

Examiner’s name: (written in full in block letters ) …………………………………………

Function: Institution: □ Practical Vocational Training □ Training


Examiner’s name: (written in full in block letters ) …………………………………………

Function: Institution: □ Practical Vocational Training □ Training


Total amount of points WP 2.3 add up only if there are no unsatisfactory marks


Stichting Consortium Beroepsonderwijs Z&W series 2014 Social worker training 2014-smd-e3

Cutting score All of the evaluation criteria have been evaluated as satisfactory or better. Standardisation


≥ 13 points

Satisfactory: All criteria have been evaluated as satisfactory or better Unsatisfactory: One or more criteria have been evaluated as unsatisfactory Assessment form of work process 2.3 Supports the client with financial problems and budget management (tick where appropriate)

 This work process has been evaluated as good  This work process has been evaluated as satisfactory  This work process has been evaluated as unsatisfactory

Examinee’s name:


(written in full in block letters)

Signature (seen):


Stichting Consortium Beroepsonderwijs Z&W series 2014 Social worker training 2014-smd-e3

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