Total amount of points WP 1.6 add up only if there are no unsatisfactory marks
Cutting score
All of the evaluation criteria have been evaluated as satisfactory or better.
Standardisation Good:
≥ 22 points
Satisfactory: All criteria have been evaluated as satisfactory or better Unsatisfactory: One or more criteria have been evaluated as unsatisfactory Evaluation of work process 1.6 Provides information, advice and instruction (tick where appropriate)
This work process has been evaluated as good
This work process has been evaluated as satisfactory
This work process has been evaluated as unsatisfactory
Examinee’s name: ……………………………………….. (written in full in block letters)
Signature (seen):
Work process 1.8 Coordinates health care delivery
Assignment Coordinate the activities in the ward, unit, residence or district. Ensure that the continuity of care is guaranteed and the patient receives the care as a coherent entity . Do this by providing those involved with relevant information and clear instructions. Make a plan of the activities and ensure sufficient materials and people to carry out the activities in the time available. Result You have coordinated the health care delivery and discussed and adapted it with those involved. You have consulted colleagues and participated in consultations. You ensure that the continuity of the health care delivery is guaranteed.
Supporting documents Provide the following supporting documents:
A fully completed assessment form substantiated by the examiner
Consortium vocational training Z&W series 2014 Training: Nurse 2014-vp-4-e3
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