2014-VZ-IG Examen Engels

Act in an unforeseen or crisis situation and call in help from colleagues in good time. This

situation may occur in the somatic or behavioural area.

Discuss your actions with your colleagues. Describe the manner of acting that is common in the

institution. Involve the procedures and legislation that applied in this situation. Discuss how you

deal with your feelings. Provide a written account of this discussion.

You have dealt with a crisis situation or unforeseen situation in a professional manner. You

have adhered to the applicable procedures and regulations and called in help from experts in good


Provide the following items of evidence:

- A fully completed assessment form substantiated by the examiner - A written account of the discussion with colleagues in which you account for your method

Consortium vocational training Z&W series 2014


Training: Intermediate vocational training - Nurse in individual healthcare 2014-vz-ig3-e4

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