2014-VZ-IG Examen Engels


 consults her colleagues about bottlenecks or developments within the nurse’s activities in individual healthcare in the nursing home, residential home and home

health care sector she has identified

 discusses feasible suggestions for the improvement of the quality of care  encourages colleagues to carry out the improvement plan

 has made a systematic plan for the execution of the improvement plan  has made a feasible plan for the execution of the improvement plan  describes the product evaluation of the improvement plan  describes the process evaluation of the improvement plan  describes the prescribed procedures that have been taken into account  describes the legal guidelines that have been taken into account.

of the assessment of the work process with examples relating to the evaluation criteria.

: (written in full in block letters ) …………………………………………

Consortium Vocational Training Z&W series 2014 Training: Nurse individual healthcare 2014-vz-ig3-e5vvt


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